Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Joint Appointments and Implementation Committee, Monday, 24th September, 2012 6.30 pm (Item 3.)


Members received a report in relation to the process for reviewing terms and conditions for the joint arrangements.  A consultation with staff had been undertaken at both authorities and the results were detailed in the report.  The report also contained a refreshed Organisational Change Policy, and looked at the Job Evaluation Scheme, the risks, and the next steps.


Two additional sheets were circulated at the meeting.  The first being a late consultation submission from staff at South Bucks; and the second being the full tables contained on pages 27 & 30 of the report which had been obscured.


The Chief Executive advised that it was intended to achieve harmonisation of terms and conditions on a phased, cost-neutral, basis.  It was suggested that the aim should instead be to achieve a cost-saving from harmonisation.  The Chief Executive responded that although savings would be achieved from harmonisation if possible, the main objective was to agree common terms and conditions across both authorities to facilitate shared services.  As such, harmonisation of terms and conditions represented an enabling mechanism to capture the large savings from shared services.  He suggested that the key issue was likely to be protection, and a balance would need to be achieved between offering sufficient protection without impacting on costs.


It was noted that a lot of material had been provided to staff and that there had been some confusion regarding what they were being consulted on.  Members acknowledged the staff concerns detailed in the consultation, and the importance of maintaining staff co-operation and motivation throughout the process was highlighted.  It was noted that staff were uncertain about the future, and it was considered that the next meeting of the Joint Committee would help address this, since that meeting would agree the first two service reviews to be undertaken.  Detailed business cases would then be prepared to enable Members to make an informed decision.  A clear sequence of service reviews could then be planned, and the uncertainty regarding the process would be diminished.


It was suggested that once draft harmonised terms and conditions were produced, they should be presented to JAIC before being discussed with Staff-Side and UNISON at each respective authority.  On balance, the Committee agreed that it would be more appropriate for them to consider the Staff-Side and UNISON response to the draft.  However, it was also agreed that the two Deputy Leaders should see the draft harmonised terms before the discussion with Staff-Side and UNISON.  This would enable any issues Members might have to be identified in time to be rectified, if appropriate.


After noting that the harmonised terms and conditions should be no worse than cost-neutral to both authorities, it was




1.         That the outcome of the informal staff consultation and the revised Organisational Change Policy be noted.


2.         That subject to the two Deputy Leaders being consulted on the draft harmonised terms and conditions first, the proposed way forward of engaging in a dialogue with the staff representatives - Staff-Side at South Bucks, and UNISON at Chiltern - be agreed.


Note: Councillor Mrs I Darby entered the meeting at 6.40pm.


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